I'll write more regarding the Halfway shoot later, but here are a few photos from my iPhone (I know, not too great, but still better than nothing) more photos from our first weekend are on their way!
On location at Joshua Tree National Park, Scott (playing Patrick) and Julia (playing Phoebe).
1st and 2nd AC Doug and MacKenzie on the job!
Scott and Julia ready for a take
Art imitating life.
Life imitating art imitating life (Glen and I standing in).
We needed extra hipster wedding photos for a prop album in the script, so Glen and I made our cameo (with a little persuasion on my part).
Brianna and Joel as Lana and Dean, the ultimate hipster bride and groom.
On location at Santiago Oaks Regional Park.
Julia and Lisa (as Phoebe's mom, Ellen) on location at my apartment, they definitely could be related.